Native American Collection

The Taovaya Indians made the area around Spanish Fort their home as early as 1757, trading with the French. Here they defended their village, driving away a Spanish effort to run off the French. Later, the Kiowa, Wichita, Caddo, Pawnee, and Comanche all utilized the area as hunting grounds. It is believed that as many as 10,000 Native Americans populated this area at one time.
Nocona was named after Comanche Chief Peta Nocona, husband of Cynthia Ann Parker, and the father of Comanche Chief Quanah Parker.
Nocona was named after Comanche Chief Peta Nocona, husband of Cynthia Ann Parker, and the father of Comanche Chief Quanah Parker.
The Native American Hall was designed by Dallas-based Museum Arts. It tells the story of the Taovaya, a band of the Wichita, the Native Americans local to the Spanish Fort area in northern Montague County.